Professors, Assistant Professors and PhD students from the ENES lab are strongly involved in teaching at the Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Etienne. Our teachings include:
- Animal cognition
- Behavioural ecology
- Animal communication
- Ethology
- Physiology
- Ecology
- Information theory
- Statistics
Equipe de Neuro-Ethologie Sensorielle
- Trophic ecology
- Biological invasions
- Noise pollution
- Freshwater ecosystems
- Voice prod. and perception
- Nonverbal communication
- Sexual selection
- Human behavior
- Evolution of vocal com.
- Human & animal vocal com.
- Bioacoustics
- Comparative vocal anatomy
- Non-verbal communication
- Voice production / perception
- Evolution of vocal comm.
- Social interactions
- Non-verbal communication
- Animal communication
- Evolution of vocal comm.
- Social behavior
Past members
Frédéric Bertucci (PhD student)
Lucie Barluet De Beauchesne (PhD student)
Ingrid Boucaut (PhD student)
Hélène Bouchet (Postdoctoral fellow)
Colette Bouchut (Technician, retired)
Siloé Corvin (PhD Student)
Laura Chabrolles (PhD Student)
Noori Choi (Postdoctoral fellow)
Nais Caron Delbosc (PhD student)
Elisa Demuru (Posdoctoral fellow)
Maxime Garcia (Postdoctoral fellow)
Alexandra Green (visiting PhD student)
Arthur Guibard (PhD student)
Erik Gustafsson (Postdoctoral fellow)
Sumir Keenan (PhD student)
Juliette Linossier (Postdoctoral fellow)
Mylène Mariette (Postdoctoral fellow)
Thibaut Marin-Cudraz (Postdoctoral fellow)
Solveig Mouterde (PhD student)
Léo Papet (PhD student, Postdoctoral fellow)
Emilie Perez (PhD student)
Leo Perrier (PhD student)
Loïc Pougnault (PhD student)
Loïc Prosnier (Postdoctoral fellow)
Emilie Rojas (PhD student)
Anna Terrade (PhD student)
Julie Thevenet (PhD student)
Karen Tronchère (Technician)
Clémentine Vignal (PR)
Avelyne Villain (PhD student)
Valentina Cartei (Posdoctoral fellow)
Long-term visitors
Dr. Clara Amorim, Univ Lisboa, Portugal
Prof. Paulo Fonseca, Univ Lisboa, Portugal
Dr. Colleen Reichmuth, Univ Calif Santa Cruz, USA
National collaborators
T. Aubin, I. Charrier, C. Del Negro, S. Retaux (Neuro-PSI, Orsay)
M. Charpentier (CEFE, Montpellier)
G. Coureaud (CRNL, Lyon 1)
D. Dragna (LMFA, Ecole Centrale Lyon)
J. Gilbert (LAUM, CNRS)
N. Grimault (CRNL, Lyon 1)
F. Jouen (EPHE)
M. Keller (INRAE Tours)
Y. Locatelli (MNHN, INRAE Tours)
A. Lemasson (Ethos, U. Rennes)
C. Novoa (ONCFS)
H. Patural (CHU St-Etienne)
F. Pellegrino (DDL, Lyon 2)
R. Peyron (CRNL, CHU St-Etienne)
K. Reynaud (ENVA, INRAE Tours)
International collaborators
C. Amorim (ISPA, Portugal)
B. Charlton (San Diego Zoo)
P. Fonseca (U. Lisboa, Portugal)
R. Frey (IZW Berlin)
E. Parmentier (U. Liège, Belgium)
C. Reichmuth (U. Calif. Santa-Cruz)
J. Stevens (U. Antwerp, Belgium)
F. Theunissen (U. Calif. Berkeley)